Avoid Scam of Australian Immigration Agents | Important things to know

Lots of people have been scammed by fake Australian immigration agents. You need to avoid becoming a victim of scams by paying attention to certain things.

Now the real question is how we know who is real and fake. don’t worry we are here to help you to avoid becoming a victim.

First of all, there is the Australian government website where all those trusted immigration agents are listed.

You just have to take a look if your immigration agent is listed or not, if it is listed then it’s a real one, and if not then it is fake.

Here is the website of the Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA).

There are other ways to identify if you’re dealing with a scam. Signs include false promises and outright lies.

I can guarantee that you’ll get a visa

No one can guarantee that you’ll get a visa except authorized immigration agents, only immigration agents have the authority that guarantee that you’ll get a visa or not.

However, there are many temporary seasonal works in Australia that you can apply for a short period.

Pay first to register for the migration program

It’s important to note that if someone asks you to pay to register for a visa, or any other immigration-related service, it’s not how things work. You only have to pay for your visa application when you lodge it.

However, it’s worth keeping in mind that your migration agent is allowed to charge for their services, and they probably will.

But these charges should never come as a surprise to you. According to the MARA code of conduct, all charges for services provided by an immigration agent must be detailed in your contract with the agent.

This is a unique opportunity that may not come again in one’s lifetime

It may be difficult to believe, but some fraudulent agents call people offering them visas.

They present it as an irresistible opportunity, but their goal is to take your money. Remember, MARA-registered agents never reach out to you first to propose migration ‘opportunities’.

The client-agent relationship always starts with you – you will initiate contact with the agent.

Only I can pay the charges. Please give me the money and I will make the payment on your behalf.

It is possible to pay your visa application charge, but it is recommended to use a registered migration agent if you choose to have them do it for you.

I have a unique connection with the Department of Home Affairs.

No one has a “special relationship” with the Department of Home Affairs (DoHA). The DoHA treats all visa applications fairly and impartially.

I am a skilled migration service provider who is registered with the Australian Government’s department

It is essential to deal with only those Australian immigration agents who possess a Migration Agent Registration Number (MARN).

Do not rely solely on an agent’s verbal assurances. Instead, search for a MARN number on the agent’s website or in their advertising to ensure that they are registered. This will help you avoid any potential fraudulent activities or scams.

The Department of Home Affairs is currently processing your visa application.

It’s important to know that you don’t have to simply accept things as they are when it comes to your application progress.

Your immigration agent is obligated to provide you with written updates on its status.

If necessary, you can ask for a copy of the confirmation letter. In the event your agent is unable to provide you with one, you can contact the DoHA directly to obtain feedback on your application. 

Keep in mind, however, that some applications take longer than others to process, so there will be times when your agent may not have any updates to provide.

I need to keep your original identification documents to give to the Department of Home Affairs.

DoHA usually needs certified copies of documents and may ask for originals if necessary. Be careful not to give your documents to a fraudster to avoid identity theft.

If the DoHA wants to see the original documents, a DoHA visa officer will ask you for them.


In Conclusion, do you have any concerns regarding Australian immigration agents? Are you aware of the crucial steps to prevent being a target of immigration scams?

What measures should you take to ensure a smooth process when you consult an immigration agent and apply for a visa?

We discuss all of these problems in this article, I hope this is helpful for you. Still, if you have any questions or doubts feel free to comment.

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